English - Scythe was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Nov 6, 2015, the campaign lasted 23 days. 17,739 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $33,000.00. Thanks to these 17,739 people the game could be funded up to $1,810,294.70, ~5,485.74%.
English - In June 2018, Scythe fans were invited to make a design for ONE encounter card using specific art. Jamey reviewed the submissions, selected his favorites (often mixing and matching various submissions), and developed them. Now the Scythe Encounters promo boxed set is a reality!
French - Il est recommandé de jouer avec ce set de cartes seul plusieurs fois pour expérimenter les nouvelles options avant de le mélanger au set de cartes rencontres du jeu de base. Certaines cartes comportent des options "secrètes" entre parenthèses qui ne doivent pas être lues à haute voix. Si vous choisissez cette option, gardez la carte face cachée jusqu'à ce que vous utilisiez sa capacité en la partageant...