Game Expansions

Renew your games with one or more expansions. They enrich your board game. Warning about some expansions can not be played without owning the basic game.

Dune: Ixians & Tleilaxu

Dune: Ixians & Tleilaxu

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.8 - 7 Notes

This expansion adds two new factions, the Ixians and the Tleilaxu, to the Dune board game. Tleilaxu: Ruled by a small council of Tleilaxu masters, the fanatical and xenophobic Tleilaxu were...

This expansion adds two new factions, the Ixians and the Tleilaxu, to the Dune board game....

Languages : French
Product Code : DUNE02-F

Buy on Philibert €15.90