Baratheon House

Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Cavaliers de Hautjardin

King Renly's alliance with House Tyrell through his marriage to Lady Margaery placed the famous horsemen of Highgarden at Renly's disposal. Although his armour is not as thick as that of most...

King Renly's alliance with House Tyrell through his marriage to Lady Margaery placed the famous...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF813

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Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Gardes des Épines

When it comes to waging war, House Baratheon deigns to have the most defensive troops in the field. From the heavy armour of their cavalry to the thick plates of their troops, even the House's...

When it comes to waging war, House Baratheon deigns to have the most defensive troops in the...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF812

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Hommes de la Reine

The Queen's Men are not necessarily named for their devotion to Queen Selyse. Rather, it refers to their conversion to the R'hllor faith. And while many worry about their true loyalty to the...

The Queen's Men are not necessarily named for their devotion to Queen Selyse. Rather, it refers...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF86

Buy on Amazon €43.12
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Hommes du Roi

The King's Men's faith in the Seven is matched only by their belief that Stannis Baratheon should be the next to sit on the Iron Throne. After rigorous training with their swords and heavy armour,...

The King's Men's faith in the Seven is matched only by their belief that Stannis Baratheon...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF85

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Illuminés de R'hllor

House Baratheon is well known for outfitting its troops with some of the heaviest armour to be found on the battlefields of Westeros. While other Houses may do this for their frontline combat...

House Baratheon is well known for outfitting its troops with some of the heaviest armour to...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF87

Out of Amazon €40.94
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Maison Baratheon - Paquet de Mise à Jour - Edition 2021

The House of Stag update! This pack contains updated Baratheon-related cards: units, upgrades and tactical cards. A must-have for all Iron Throne fans: the miniature game. Contents of the box...

The House of Stag update! This pack contains updated Baratheon-related cards: units, upgrades...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIFFP8

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A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Champions of the Stag

House Baratheon's philosophy of "heavy weapons and heavier armour" even extends to its cavalry. The champions of the stag are among the most heavily armed in all of Westeros. These mounted knights...

House Baratheon's philosophy of "heavy weapons and heavier armour" even extends to its cavalry....

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF84

Buy on Amazon €31.16
A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Stag knights

The stag knights are the best unit of House Baratheon. Their ranks are made up of nobles, each bearing the signature of the horned stag as a sign of their rank. Their armour is some of the finest...

The stag knights are the best unit of House Baratheon. Their ranks are made up of nobles,...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF83

Buy on Amazon €31.14
A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Attachments I

With the death of Robert Baratheon, many are claiming to be the next rightful person to sit on the Iron Throne. For House Baratheon, two people have laid claim to the throne. Robert's two brothers,...

With the death of Robert Baratheon, many are claiming to be the next rightful person to sit...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF816

Out of Amazon €46.07
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Chevaliers de la Rose

Their armour may look decorative, but rest assured that the Rose Knights' plate armour is forged from the strongest steel. These elite troops in the service of King Renly can withstand the hardest...

Their armour may look decorative, but rest assured that the Rose Knights' plate armour is...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF811

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Fidèles de R'hllor

The Faithful of R'hllor are medium infantry troops whose faith in the Lord of Light inspires them to great feats of bravery and valor on the battlefield. They even craft their blades after the...

The Faithful of R'hllor are medium infantry troops whose faith in the Lord of Light inspires...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF88

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Sentinelles Barathéon

For most armies, the armour worn by Baratheon Sentinels counts as heavy infantry. But for House Baratheon, they are only classified as medium infantry. Nonetheless, their tough armour can repel...

For most armies, the armour worn by Baratheon Sentinels counts as heavy infantry. But for...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF82

Out of Philibert €36.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Gardiens Barathéon

House Baratheon's battle doctrine is quite simple: be strong as iron. They equip their troops with heavy armour at all levels and arm them with the House's signature warhammer. Although this...

House Baratheon's battle doctrine is quite simple: be strong as iron. They equip their troops...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF81

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Héros Barathéon I

On the death of Robert Baratheon, control of the Iron Throne passed to his son Joffrey. However, Robert's brothers also seek to claim the throne for themselves. Both Stannis and Renly want it,...

On the death of Robert Baratheon, control of the Iron Throne passed to his son Joffrey. However,...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF89

Out of Amazon €35.47
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Héros Barathéon II

The Baratheon Heroes 2 box gives players new equipment, units, and options for their army commander. This expansion is a great way for players to customize their forces to fit their own play...

The Baratheon Heroes 2 box gives players new equipment, units, and options for their army...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF810

Out of Amazon €32.33

Neutral Heroes

Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Chevaliers Errants

There are many nobles in Westeros who do not belong directly to one of the major or even minor Houses. They may have a title and a small fortune at their disposal, but they are basically landless,...

There are many nobles in Westeros who do not belong directly to one of the major or even minor...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF57

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Neutres - Paquet de Mise à Jour - Edition 2021

The Neutral Update! This pack contains updated cards for the Neutral Houses: units, upgrades and tactical cards. A must-have for all Iron Throne fans: the miniature game. Contents of the box...

The Neutral Update! This pack contains updated cards for the Neutral Houses: units, upgrades...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIFFP5

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A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bloody Mummer Skimishers

The vulgarity of their attire is matched only by their cruelty. Don't underestimate these mercenaries based solely on their outrageous appearance. They are fast and deadly! They have light armour...

The vulgarity of their attire is matched only by their cruelty. Don't underestimate these...

Languages : German, English, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF58

Buy on Philibert €24.47
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Chevaucheurs de Zébrules

As light cavalry, Zorse Riders are adept at flanking manoeuvres and threatening vulnerable units and artillery. They must avoid getting bogged down in melee or direct charges from heavy cavalry....

As light cavalry, Zorse Riders are adept at flanking manoeuvres and threatening vulnerable...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF59

Buy on Philibert €24.47
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Archers Corbeaux Tornade

Like the company's other Mercenaries, the Storm Raven Archers are seasoned professionals, ready to support any cause against a busy purse. Accept their fee, pay them a little extra, and you...

Like the company's other Mercenaries, the Storm Raven Archers are seasoned professionals,...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF512

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Gardes Noirs Bolton

On the battlefield, everyone knows the cruelty of the infamous Black Guards of the House of Bolton. Their terrible spiked plagues can smash even the strongest shields. Both of these factors...

On the battlefield, everyone knows the cruelty of the infamous Black Guards of the House of...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF54

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Héros Neutres II

The neutral factions of the War of Five Kings are enriched with mercenaries, thieves, lords and even a banker. This disparate group, however, shares one thing in common: serving the most deserving...

The neutral factions of the War of Five Kings are enriched with mercenaries, thieves, lords...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF510

Buy on Philibert €39.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Mercenaires Corbeaux Tornade

Despite its internal quarrels, questionable loyalty and high turnover of officers, the company of the Mercenaries Tornado Ravens employs competent, disciplined and loyal (if properly paid, of...

Despite its internal quarrels, questionable loyalty and high turnover of officers, the company...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : CMNSOIF511

Buy on Philibert €34.95
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Écorchés de la Maison Bolton

In the War of the Five Kings, the so-called Fallen formed the ranks of a heavier cavalry than most of those fighting under more prestigious banners. Equipped with sturdy steel armor (blackened,...

In the War of the Five Kings, the so-called Fallen formed the ranks of a heavier cavalry than...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : EFCMSI53

Buy on Amazon €32.99
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Filles du Bâtard de la Maison Bolton

Trained to corner and shoot down the heaviest of infantry, the Daughters of the Bastard excel in flank attacks and in the pursuit of fugitive adversaries. Although they were not protected enough...

Trained to corner and shoot down the heaviest of infantry, the Daughters of the Bastard excel...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : EFCMSI52

Buy on Amazon €40.00
Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Héros Neutres I

If there is one thing that can be said about the "neutral" parties of the Five Kings War, it is because they are true to themselves. Whether fighting for greed, interest, mere survival or devotion...

If there is one thing that can be said about the "neutral" parties of the Five Kings War,...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : EFCMSI55

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Le Trône de Fer: Le Jeu de Figurines - Coupe-Jarrets Bolton

Despite their light equipment, the Bolton House Hemp Hoofs have a reputation for brutality and ruthless efficiency that allows them to spread fear into the ranks of enemy troops with better...

Despite their light equipment, the Bolton House Hemp Hoofs have a reputation for brutality...

Languages : German, Spanish, French
Product Code : EFCMSI51

Buy on Amazon €36.00