Bid skillfully to buy the most prestigious buildings without going broke. Once all the houses have been distributed, sell your acquisitions at the right time to pocket the biggest cheques and force your opponents to pay the highest price to become the...
Languages : French
Release Date : September 2015
The king is dead! What happened? Nobody really knows, but he was found face down in a wine barrel this morning. Perhaps it was foul play or his own thirst that killed him. Either way, the king died without a known heir, so it's up to the five factions...
Languages : French
Amount : from €2.97 to €12.00
Welcome to Las Vegan! Manage your card game correctly to lose your coins as slowly as possible! The casino always wins! In Las Vegan, players are dealt cards of 4 suits, numbered from 0 to 9. The first player plays any card from his hand. The other players...
Languages : French
Amount : from €4.05 to €15.00
The king is dead ! What could have happened? Nobody saw anything: we found her head dipped in a barrel of wine in the early morning. He might as well have been the victim of an assassination as his penchant for drinking. Be that as it may, the King leaves...
Languages : French
Amount : from €4.95 to €10.90
Find the animals from your favourite show Une Saison au Zoo! Test your knowledge of the animals at La Flèche Zoo with the battle game revisited! Players compete in four categories (size, weight, longevity, speed). Each turn, you choose one of the categories...
Languages : French
Amount : from €5.99
Since the dawn of time, the spirit world has been separated from our world. Shamans are trying to restore harmony in a world threatened by the Shadows. You will have to choose a side. The game ingeniously combines: hidden roles, a competitive game and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €6.96 to €20.00
Winning the round is great when the cards have winning points. Unfortunately, you don't always know in advance what the other players will play. Savana is a turn-based card game, with four families of 12 cards each (elephants, lions, hyenas or zebras),...
Languages : Danish, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish
Amount : from €7.50 to €23.50
Play a card of the requested suit, and win the trick... or make another player win it! End the round by winning a certain number of tricks: win as many points as tricks won... by the other players! But be careful, the last player to leave the round wins...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.67 to €16.90
Voodoo Prince is a card game in which players try to plan their tricks skillfully and make them at the right time. Each player retires from the game after a certain number of tricks. However, each player also needs the tricks of the other players in...
Languages : German, English, French, Italian
Amount : from €9.50 to €111.09
Animals from all over the world gather for the Hula-Hoo Championship! Their goal is to hold the hoop as long as possible. This is represented by cards. The goal is to get rid of all your cards; or to make all the other players give up ("drop their hoop")....
Languages : French
Amount : from €9.90 to €11.99
To get rid of his cards as quickly as possible, all means are good, even ... cheating! Each turn takes the role of the Guardian Punaise who watches over the grain by watching others. Will you be honest by following the rules or will you cheat? Put a...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00 to €15.00
Wizard uses a sixty-card deck that consists of the traditional 52-card deck (1-13 in four suits) plus four Wizards (top) and four Jesters (bottom). Players compete in several rounds, depending on the number of players, and the player who finishes with...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00 to €15.90