To become the king, you will have to acquire 4 relics. In this lawless world, everything is paid for in turnips, including the precious relics that are essential to your royal victory. With the same villagers as the other players, you will have to make...
Languages : French
Amount : from €15.90 to €17.50
Gather your courage, ready your sword and roll the dice as you travel across the kingdom in search of treasure and glory. In the dice and writing game Dungeons, Dice & Danger, you explore deep, dark dungeons filled with treasure - and infested with monsters!...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian
Amount : from €19.85
In England in 1193, the county of Nottinghamshire is suffering under the yoke of the evil Prince John and his henchmen. Can Robin Hood and his companions escape the sheriff's guards and carry out their adventures? In The Adventures of Robin Hood, players...
Languages : French
Amount : from €42.99 to €64.90
Twenty years after its Spiel des Jahres, Carcassonne's "Big Box" is getting a makeover! This box is the perfect introduction to the world of the most famous tile laying game. Simply start a game of the Basic Game, leaving aside the various expansions...
Languages : French
Amount : from €59.90 to €71.40
The King is dead. The kingdom is divided. Three factions - the Scots, the Welsh and the English - are vying for control of the kingdom, and across the sea, foreign invaders are preparing to take advantage of the chaos. Players must marshal their limited...
Languages : French
Amount : from €26.90 to €30.50
King, Witch, Thief... Drop the masks! Dare to wear your Mask at the right moment and take advantage of its power to enrich yourself or surprise your opponents. But the Masks will be exchanged during the game, to the point of making you doubt your own...
Languages : French
Amount : from €16.99 to €24.89
Iki takes place in Edo during the Edo period (1603-1868). Edo was the name of Tokyo at the time. In the Nihonbashi district, the city's busiest market is located. Not far from the main street, there is a fish market, where boats bring their cargoes and...
Languages : German, English, French
Amount : from €43.70 to €55.00
According to the Orkneyinga Saga, Count Rognvald Kali Kolsson broke into the tomb at Maeshowe on Orkney in 1150 and in 1153 Count Harald Maddadson and a group of his men took refuge there during a snowstorm. The sagas tell us that Rognvald found a treasure...
Languages : German, English, French, Italian
Amount : from €29.50
In Paladins of the Western Kingdom: City of Crowns, noble allies have responded to the recent attacks on our borders! Only through careful negotiation and measured diplomacy will these dukes, barons, earls and other nobles offer the help we desperately...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.90 to €26.00
What would heroes be without those who tell of their exploits? In Balada, you will become bards who record the brave deeds of resilient heroes and earn victory points. The player with the most compelling story is the winner! In twelve rounds, players...
Languages : Czech, German, English, French, Polish, Slovak
Amount : from €16.56 to €25.00
In 7 Wonders: Architects, 2-7 players race to become a leader of the ancient world by completing an architectural wonder that will endure through the ages. Players are given an unbuilt wonder at the start of the game and must collect resources to build...
Languages : French
Amount : from €32.90 to €40.00
The king throws a party and invites all his neighbours! This expansion to Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig expands the game to 8 players with two new room types (activity rooms and secret rooms), a new specialized room type (ballrooms), more bonus...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.76 to €28.24