The Little Trees is a micro-expansion for The Little Towns. In The Little Trees, each mayor has the opportunity to grow a tree in his town. However, each tree only grows if it is on the only empty space on a player's board. At the beginning of the game,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.90 to €11.00
Jackhammers, banging trucks, roaring engines, the sounds of construction are everywhere. Sprawlopolis is growing and YOU are in charge of it all. The last team of planners didn't make the cut, so the city turned to your team, the best of the best. If...
Languages : French
Amount : from €6.60 to €9.09
The tower built by the architect Gustave Eiffel rises above Paris, heralding the opening of the World Fair. Some define it as a monstrous iron cyclops and others as the first step towards modern architecture. There is no doubt that it will leave few...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.55 to €19.90
Ah, here comes the bus! Hurry up, take a seat, and get out of the rain! As on every trip, you are fascinated by all the other passengers on board: tourists, professionals, students... They all travel together, although they each have a different destination....
Languages : French
Amount : from €15.90 to €26.50
In Recto Verso work in pairs to win the game! A superb re-edition of La Boca by Super Meeple and Tiki Editions that also adds a two player mode! In each round two players become partners to build the building drawn on a map as quickly as possible. But...
Languages : French
Amount : from €17.49 to €25.00
They have come to this planet, and they have chosen you. They raised your people and promised great prosperity. They provided the wisdom and resources to build your cities on high. They taught you culture, science and warfare. They promised knowledge...
Languages : French
Amount : from €27.50 to €54.90
Take on the role of one of the great monarchs of the past, and show your worth! You will arrive in a vast and rich territory, but the road to prosperity is full of challenges. In Brazil: Imperial, you must construct buildings, manage resources, explore...
Languages : French
Amount : from €24.75 to €55.00
The small creatures of the forest have created a civilisation without predators, and they rely on you as mayor to guide their growing and prosperous city. However, the area is small and resources are scarce. The smart use of limited resources will determine...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.90 to €26.00
Twenty years after its Spiel des Jahres, Carcassonne's "Big Box" is getting a makeover! This box is the perfect introduction to the world of the most famous tile laying game. Simply start a game of the Basic Game, leaving aside the various expansions...
Languages : French
Amount : from €59.90 to €71.40
You've built homes for humanity in the neighbourhoods and in New Las Vegas. Now you must save humanity by colonizing space... Welcome to the Moon uses the same flip-and-write game mechanics as the previous title Welcome To..., but now you can play in...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €33.43 to €42.80
At the end of the 1001st night, Sultan Shahriar wishes to build a new kingdom in honour of the intelligence and wisdom of his wife Scheherazade. This kingdom will be called Almadi. As the sultan's advisor, you are the architect of this great work and...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €13.45 to €27.00
Return to the deep valley to add new rooms to the taverns and appease a feisty mayor! This expansion consists of four modules for use with the base game. Players now have the option to add a wine cellar or guest room to their tavern. Innkeepers give...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.74 to €24.50